Euroopan unioni Vipuvoimaa EU:lta

Euroopan aluekehitysrahaston (EAKR) rahoittaman hankkeen kuvaus

1 Hanke

Hankekoodi: A75401

Hankkeen nimi: GoSolin markkina- ja tiedonhallintaprojekti

Toimintalinja: 1. Pk-yritystoiminnan kilpailukyky

Erityistavoite: 2.1. PK-yritysten kasvun ja kansainvälistymisen edistäminen

Suunnitelman mukainen toteutusaika: Alkaa 7.10.2019 ja päättyy 31.12.2019

Toiminnan tila: Toiminta päättynyt

Vastuuviranomainen: Keski-Suomen elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus

2 Hakijan perustiedot

Hakijan virallinen nimi: SOLAR FIRE CONCENTRATION OY

Organisaatiotyyppi: Mikroyritys

Y-tunnus: 2474214-8

Jakeluosoite: Hämeenpuisto 35 D 112

Puhelinnumero: 0458591454

Postinumero: 33200

Postitoimipaikka: TAMPERE


Hankkeen yhteyshenkilön nimi: Wissenz Eva

Yhteyshenkilön asema hakijaorganisaatiossa: Board Chairperson

Yhteyshenkilön sähköpostisoite: eva.wissenz(at)

Yhteyshenkilön puhelinnumero: 0458591454

Hakijoiden lukumäärä tai tuen siirto -menettely:

3 Suunnitelman mukainen tiivistelmä toteutuksesta

Tämän projektin tarkoitus on asemoida tuotteemme ja palvelumme paremmin sijoitusmarkkinoille sekä yrityskäyttöön Sveitsissä ja Ranskassa.

4 Hankkeen kohderyhmät

4.1 Varsinaiset kohderyhmät

4.2 Välilliset kohderyhmät

5 Projektin julkinen rahoitus, euroa

Myönnetty EU- ja valtion rahoitus: 18 610

Toteutunut EU- ja valtion rahoitus: 16 557

Suunniteltu julkinen rahoitus yhteensä: 18 610

Toteutunut julkinen rahoitus yhteensä: 16 557

6 Maantieteellinen kohdealue

Maakunnat: Pirkanmaa

Seutukunnat: Tampereen

Kunnat: Tampere

Toteutuspaikan osoite, jos hanke toteutetaan yhdessä paikassa

Jakeluosoite: Hallituskatu 17 D 112

Postinumero: 33200

Postitoimipaikka: TAMPERE

7 Hakemusvaiheessa ilmoitettavat arviot hankekohtaisista seurantiedoista

7.1 Uusien työpaikkojen määrä (kysytään vain erityistavoitteisiin 1.1, 2.1 ja 3.1 kuuluvissa hankkeissa)

Suunniteltu: 11, joihin työllistyvät naiset 6

Toteutunut seurantatietojen mukaan: 1.00, joihin työllistyvät naiset 1.00

7.2 Uusien yritysten määrä (kysytään vain erityistavoitteeseen 1.1 kuuluvissa hankkeissa)

Suunniteltu: 0, joista naisten perustamia 0

Toteutunut seurantatietojen mukaan: 0.00, joista naisten perustamia 0.00

8 Horisontaaliset periaatteet

8.1 Sukupuolten tasa-arvo

Hankkeessa on tehty toimintaympäristön analyysi sukupuolinäkökulmasta: Kyllä
Our solar products and educational services take gender into perspective. More than 50% of our users are women, as it is often women who collect the firewood or burn the charcoal to run food processing activities. Our product replaces these with direct solar energy, reducing women's exposure to toxic smoke. In addition, we take into consideration gender equality within our company operations.
Sukupuolinäkökulma on huomioitu hankkeen toiminnassa (valtavirtaistaminen): Kyllä
We have worked closely with international leader on women's rights Plan International while running a pilot project in education in Uganda in 2018. We will promote the same gender mainstreaming principles in this project.
Hankkeen päätavoite on sukupuolten tasa-arvon edistäminen: Ei
Though gender equality is not the main goal, international NGOs has stated that our product and educational courses increase gender equality. As we scale-up our programmes we seek to attract partners in this field to ensure the technology's potential is maximized for fostering gender equality.

8.2 Kestävä kehitys

Ekologinen kestävyys
Luonnonvarojen käytön kestävyys 10 10
The use of our product replaces widespread charcoal and firewood use and replaces this with direct solar energy. The production of our products requires far less energy than other renewable energy technology such as Photovoltaic sells. This means our products have low embodied energy (Short EROI) and are using less resources to produce that conventional renewable energy technology.
Ilmastonmuutoksen aiheuttamien riskien vähentäminen 10 10
Our product replaces firewood, charcoal and fossil fuels, all of which emit greenhouse gases such as CO2. By providing a cost-efficient solar alternative, we are able to reduce emissions, and maximize food preservation in case of droughts or other climate impacts.
Kasvillisuus, eliöt ja luonnon monimuotoisuus 10 10
By reducing firewood and charcoal consumption, our product reduces deforestation and pressure on ecosystems.
Pinta- ja pohjavedet, maaperä sekä ilma (ja kasvihuonekaasujen väheneminen) 10 10
SOL5 products don’t have any effect on surface or groundwater, soil, or air. They reduce greenhouse gas generation.
Natura 2000 -ohjelman kohteet 0 5
Our products are aimed at developing and emerging markets, so there is no direct impact on Natura 200 destinations. However, by reducing CO2 and associated climate change effects, biodiversity overall is protected.
Taloudellinen kestävyys
Materiaalit ja jätteet 7 7
SOL5 products require little, mainly local, recyclable material when constructed. They don’t produce any waste in practise.
Uusiutuvien energialähteiden käyttö 10 10
Our solar products are running exclusively on direct solar energy. Our technology has low embodied energy making it suitable to be produced with renewable energy. This project will directly increase the use of renewable energy through our technology.
Paikallisen elinkeinorakenteen kestävä kehittäminen 10 10
Our solar products enable existing businesses and new entrepreneurs to change from fossil fuels or charcoal to direct solar energy. Our educational services teach entrepreneurs business skills and how to become efficient solar entrepreneurs using our technology. SOL5 products give a huge contribution to sustainable development of local livelihood structure. They allow more food products to be produced with less money, material, waste, and labour hours.
Aineettomien tuotteiden ja palvelujen kehittäminen 7 7
GoSol training packages provide vocational, entrepreneurial, and engineering courses with NGOs and institutional partners. We work with partners to create programs integrating supply chains, education, microfinance and capacity building to accelerate entrepreneurs. This project will survey the markets where the largest demands are for our products and services, which will indirectly support developing services to higher quality.
Liikkuminen ja logistiikka 0 8
We work with partners in micro-finance and distributions for the last mile distribution of our products. When choosing logistics and distribution partner we aim to choose business partners with a strong reputation of economic, social and environmental commitment. SOL5 products remove the transportation need for collecting firewood and other fuels.
Sosiaalinen ja kulttuurinen kestävyys sekä yhdenvertaisuus
Hyvinvoinnin edistäminen 10 10
The use of our solar products and educational services teach entrepreneurial skills and provide products that directly boost people's income. This has a proven positive developmental impact not only on the users but their families and communities. At the economic level the use of our technology reduces fuel dependence, allows more economic activity at the local level and decouples economic growth from emissions. Income level of developing countries’ entrepreneurs increases, unemployment reduces, and food security increases.
Tasa-arvon edistäminen 10 10
Food processing becomes more equal between developed countries and developing ones. Also the income that entrepreneurs get from it becomes more equal. As women are primarily responsible for food processing activities they are among the primary beneficiaries of our solar products, educational services and positive impacts.
Yhteiskunnallinen ja kulttuurinen yhdenvertaisuus 6 7
Equality between men and women as well as rural and urban people increases. Also equality between children of poor and wealthy families increases. By making solar thermal energy costefficient even for small and medium sized entrepreneurs we are able to support the livelihoods of low-income populations and increase their social standing.
Kulttuuriympäristö 1 0
The project will not create any direct cultural outcomes. We apply cultural non-discrimination principles to our training courses.
Ympäristöosaaminen 10 10
This project will transfer environmental awareness to our local partners, the pilot entrepreneurs and optimize our training course that contains environmental expertise classes. Increased understanding on climate change mitigation and solar energy among trained youth takes place. More possibilities for entrepreneurs to invest further into environmentally sustainable development.

9 Loppuraportin tiivistelmä

This project aimed to undertake business development measures to strengthen Solar Fire Concentration Oy's position and oversight in the solar thermal market. Key outcomes of the project are prove of commercial viability of the Lytefire 5 product for the first time in an European country, whereas the technology previously had been deployed only outside Europe (mainly Africa and Asia). To do this the project also developed new IP in the fields of solar baking and roasting. In order to streamline the process of raising investments for scale-up, the due-dilligence documentation was reviewed and improved. The project also identified high-potential clients and investors for next business development stages.