Euroopan unioni Vipuvoimaa EU:lta

Description of the project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

1 Project

Project code: A70076

Project name: The launch of international cruise business in the Kotka-Hamina region during 2015-2016

Policy: 1. Competitiveness of SMEs

Specific objective: 1.1. Creating new business activities

Planned completion time: Start 1.3.2015 and end 31.12.2016

Operational status: Ended

Responsible authority: Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council

2 Basic applicant information

Official name of the applicant: Cursor Oy

Organisation type: Other legal person governed by private law

Business ID: 0727178-6

Street: Kyminlinnantie 6, PL 14

Telephone number: 040 190 2500

Postal code: 48601

City/town: Kotka


Project contact person's name: Salme Rajala

Contact person's position in the organisation: projektiassistentti

Contact person’s email address: salme.rajala(at)

Contact person's phone number: 040 190 2532

Number of applicants or subsidy transfer:

3 Plan-specified summary of the project completion

According to the strategy related to the project "The Kotka-Hamina Region to develop into a destination of cruise traffic", implemented recently in the area, the goal is to develop a new industry within the region that enhances the tourism industry in the area. This will develop the turnover of the service providers, the employment possibilities, and the generation of new companies:
The target of the project is:
• to generate cruise traffic to the Southeast coast of Finland
• to develop the region and the cruise destination Kotka to be known both on national and international levels as a cost-effective and an attractive destination for tourists
• to develop conditions for ground service operations (incoming-office) of international level
As a result of the actions:
• to establish the cruise calls and cruise guests to a level of min. 70 ship calls and 100 000 cruise guests per season by year 2020
• part of the ships that visit the larger Cruise destinations currently, make a choice of rather visiting Kotka
• the companies that have joined the program provider cluster will be min. 15 by the end of the project
• the development of the turnover of the companies within the cluster is increasing
• the regional and to the industry related new establishments including start-ups, will be min. 20 by 2020
• the industry is developed to a level where also the port (Port of Hamina Kotka Ltd.) is gaining economical profit

4 Project target groups

4.1 Actual target groups

Hankkeen kohderyhmiä ovat kansainväliset varustamot, matkanjärjestäjät, alan verkostot, maapalvelutoimijat, yhteistyösatamat, ja paikalliset yritykset.

4.2 Indirect target groups

Hankkeen välillisiä kohderyhmiä ovat seudun päättäjät, kunnat, paikalliset asukkaat, oppilaitokset, työ- ja elinkeinotoimisto, viranomaistahot (esim. rajavartiolaitos, tulli ja TRAFI.

5 Public funding of the project (EUR)

EU and State funding granted: 214 792

EU and State funding used: 211 300

Planned public funding (total): 306 845

Planned public funding used (total): 302 380

6 Geographical target area

Regions: Kymenlaakso

Subregions: Kotka-Hamina

Municipalities: Pyhtää, Hamina, Miehikkälä, Virolahti, Kotka

Address of the project site, if the project is carried out in one place

Street: Kyminlinnantie 6

Postal code: 48600

City/town: Kotka

7 Estimates of project-specific monitoring information reported during the application phase

7.1 Number of new jobs (only requested for projects belonging to specific objectives 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1)

Planned: 10, in which women are employed 7

Completed according to monitoring information: 1.00, in which women are employed 0.00

7.2 Number of new companies (only requested for projects belonging to specific objective 1.1)

Planned: 5, which are founded by women 3

Completed according to monitoring information: 1.00, which are founded by women 1.00

8 Horizontal principles

8.1 Gender equality

: No
Ei aiheellista.
: Yes
Matkailu- ja palvelualat työllistävät perinteisesti naisia.
: No
Hanke on näiltä osin neutraali.

8.2 Sustainable development

Luonnonvarojen käytön kestävyys 5 7
Hankkeen keskeisenä tavoitteena on ottaa huomioon luonnonvarojen käytön kestävyys.
Ilmastonmuutoksen aiheuttamien riskien vähentäminen 5 7
Hankkeen keskeisenä tavoitteena on ottaa huomioon risteilyalusten aiheuttamat ilmastonmuutokseen vaikuttavat riskitekijät ja tavoitella riskien vähentämistä.
Kasvillisuus, eliöt ja luonnon monimuotoisuus 2 5
Hankkeessa pyritään ottamaan huomioon risteilyaluskäynteihin liittyviä seikkoja, joiden vaikutus alueen luontoon, eliöihin ja kasvillisuuteen on mahdollisiman riskitön.
Pinta- ja pohjavedet, maaperä sekä ilma (ja kasvihuonekaasujen väheneminen) 5 7
Hankkeen keskeisenä tavoitteena on ottaa huomioon risteilyalusten aiheuttamat pinta- ja pohjavesiin, maaperään sekä ilmaan vaikuttavat riskitekijät ja tavoitella riskien vähentämistä.
Natura 2000 -ohjelman kohteet 0 0
Hanke on näiltä osin neutraali.
Materiaalit ja jätteet 5 7
Seudulla käynnistettävän risteilijäliiketoiminnan yksi keskeisiä tavoitteita on edistää vierailevien alusten kohdesatamaan jättämien jätteiden tehokasta kierrätystä.
Uusiutuvien energialähteiden käyttö 0 0
Hanke on näiltä osin neutraali.
Paikallisen elinkeinorakenteen kestävä kehittäminen 7 10
Hankkeen tavoitteena on edistää pk-yritysten sektorin kestävää kehitystä.
Aineettomien tuotteiden ja palvelujen kehittäminen 0 0
Hanke on näiltä osin neutraali.
Liikkuminen ja logistiikka 7 7
Hankkeessa keskeisenä tavoitteena on tuottaa liiketoimintaan liittyvä liikkuminen ja logistiikka mahdollisimman tehokkaaksi.
Hyvinvoinnin edistäminen 0 0
Hanke on näiltä osin neutraali.
Tasa-arvon edistäminen 0 0
Hanke on näiltä osin neutraali.
Yhteiskunnallinen ja kulttuurinen yhdenvertaisuus 0 0
Hanke on näiltä osin neutraali.
Kulttuuriympäristö 4 6
Matkailun investointikohteet ovat kulttuurihistoriallisesti merkittäviä kohteita.
Ympäristöosaaminen 5 7
Hankkeessa ympäristöosaamisen tason nosto on keskeisimpiä tavoitteita.

9 Final report summary

The main goal of the project was to start up cruise business in the Kotka-Hamina region. Product development, marketing, sales and networking into the main players in the market, were the main working areas. The cruise industry is very diversified and difficult to access. The business environment is very closed and it is extremely difficult to entry without connections to the key persons in the network. To understand the industry needs, a strong dedication into the business environments of the stakeholders, and an effective networking perspective is required. The broad networking work done during the project both on the national and international levels, and concentrating on all stakeholders, enabled a development of an increased awareness of the destination.

A powerful sales and marketing strategy towards the decision makers of the cruise industry was one of the key activities during the process. It became obvious that it was extremely important to the cruise line representatives to get a direct contact with the key decision makers of the destination as the planning process of the product concepts needs collaborative views and understanding of the market needs to develop a process where the customer demand and the supply of the destination will meet each other in a productive way. The role of the tour operator is traditionally in a key position in the value chain of the cruise business. No sales of the destination is going to be achieved if a mutual trust and respect from the cruise line and the tour operator towards the destination is not developed. A dedicated processing of product development, sales and marketing activities played a key role in the project to achieve the trust and respect of the cruise lines and tour operators.

During the implementation of the project, it was of importance to develop the service levels of the service providers and the other stakeholders to a level of international standards. The actions enabled a positive general development of the companies involved also including the turnover. The tourism industry in the region received new dimensions and marque values and developed in addition a global marketing window. The service infrastructure of the port was also analyzed to enable the understanding of the demands vs. supply of the technical international level.

During the implementation of the project, it was of importance to develop the service levels of the service providers and the other stakeholders to a level of international standards. The actions enabled a positive general development of the companies involved also including the turnover. The tourism industry in the region received new dimensions and marque values and developed in addition a global marketing window. The service infrastructure of the port was also analyzed to enable the understanding of the demands vs. supply of the technical international level.