Euroopan unioni Vipuvoimaa EU:lta

Description of the project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

1 Project

Project code: A71591

Project name: Kauppi Campus - The Future Health Village

Policy: 2. Production and utilisation of latest knowledge and expertise

Specific objective: 4.1. Developing research, competence and innovation clusters that draw from regional strengths

Planned completion time: Start 1.1.2015 and end 30.6.2017

Operational status: Ended

Responsible authority: Council of Tampere Region

2 Basic applicant information

Official name of the applicant: FinnMedi Oy

Organisation type: Small enterprise

Business ID: 0784071-5

Street: Biokatu 6

Telephone number: 03 3116 4023

Postal code: 33520

City/town: Tampere


Project contact person's name: Taia Kiiskilä

Contact person's position in the organisation: Talouspäällikkö

Contact person’s email address: taia.kiiskila(at)

Contact person's phone number: 040 5700455

Number of applicants or subsidy transfer:

3 Plan-specified summary of the project completion

The aim of the Campus project is to renew Kauppi Campus to form Future Health Village, where health sector companies, hospitals and research institutes are continuously broadening and deepening their successful co-operation. During the project, a modern, internationally competitive health and wellbeing innovation environment is created to generate remarkable amount of new business, new services, better processes and approaches in the health and wellbeing sector.
Project activities can be divided to six parts: management of future health village vision and co-operation, project communication, development of the campus infrastructure, Campus HUB, R&D&I collaboration and Primary Care Center for Learning.
During this project, Kauppi Campus is reformed to the most significant Finnish health sector innovation center “The Future Health Village” and, in line with the vision, the number of daily visitors increases to meet the pursued 40 000 visitors. Over 10 development projects and over 5 start-up companies are induced during this project. Moreover, 1500 new jobs are created on Kauppi Campus area as the Future Health Village evolves, and in the beginning of 2020-decade, world´s most modern and advanced innovation methods are in use on Kauppi Campus.

4 Project target groups

4.1 Actual target groups

Hankkeen varsinaisia kohderyhmiä ovat Pirkanmaan sairaanhoitopiiri, Tampereen kaupunki, Tampereen yliopisto, Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto, UKK-instituutti, Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu, Suomen Yliopistokiinteistöt, Technopolis sekä pirkanmaalaiset terveysalan yritykset ja järjestöt sekä syntymässä olevat yritykset.

4.2 Indirect target groups

Palveluiden käyttäjät, työntekijät, muut yliopistosairaalakampukset Suomessa ja valituissa kaupungeissa ulkomailla, muut kuin terveysalan yritykset (esim. koulutus-/konsultointialan yritykset, ICT-yritykset, viestintäalan yritykset jne), muut kunnat, muut yliopistot, valtio.

5 Public funding of the project (EUR)

EU and State funding granted: 699 999

EU and State funding used: 666 165

Planned public funding (total): 1 125 999

Planned public funding used (total): 1 072 338

6 Geographical target area

Regions: Tampere Region

Subregions: Tampere, Southern Pirkanmaa, South Western Pirkanmaa, North Western Pirkanmaa, Upper Pirkanmaa

Municipalities: Virrat, Pirkkala, Hämeenkyrö, Vesilahti, Urjala, Punkalaidun, Valkeakoski, Mänttä-Vilppula, Parkano, Kangasala, Orivesi, Lempäälä, Ruovesi, Ikaalinen, Nokia, Tampere, Akaa, Sastamala, Ylöjärvi, Juupajoki, Pälkäne, Kihniö

Address of the project site, if the project is carried out in one place


Postal code:


7 Estimates of project-specific monitoring information reported during the application phase

7.1 Number of new jobs (only requested for projects belonging to specific objectives 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1)

Planned: 35, in which women are employed 18

Completed according to monitoring information: 0.00, in which women are employed 0.00

7.2 Number of new companies (only requested for projects belonging to specific objective 1.1)

Planned: 0, which are founded by women 0

Completed according to monitoring information: 0.00, which are founded by women 0.00

8 Horizontal principles

8.1 Gender equality

: No
Hankkeella ei merkittäviä sukupuolivaikutuksia.
: No
Hankkeella ei merkittäviä sukupuolivaikutuksia.
: No
Hankkeella ei merkittäviä tasa-arvovaikutuksia tasa-arvon näkökulmasta.

8.2 Sustainable development

Luonnonvarojen käytön kestävyys 0 0
Ilmastonmuutoksen aiheuttamien riskien vähentäminen 0 0
Kasvillisuus, eliöt ja luonnon monimuotoisuus 0 0
Pinta- ja pohjavedet, maaperä sekä ilma (ja kasvihuonekaasujen väheneminen) 0 0
Natura 2000 -ohjelman kohteet 0 0
Materiaalit ja jätteet 0 0
Uusiutuvien energialähteiden käyttö 0 0
Paikallisen elinkeinorakenteen kestävä kehittäminen 0 0
Aineettomien tuotteiden ja palvelujen kehittäminen 3 3
Hankkeen aikana yrityksille ja muille organisaatioille syntyy uusia innovaatioita, parempia palveluita tai tuotteita. Sairaaloiden, tutkijoiden, yritysten ja potilaiden aiempaa tiiviimpi yhteistyö tuottaa niitä aiempaa enemmän.
Liikkuminen ja logistiikka 0 0
Hyvinvoinnin edistäminen 5 4
Innovaatioalustalla kehitetään parempia palveluja tuotteita, joilla vähemmällä voidaan saada parempaa terveyttä ja hyvinvointia.
Tasa-arvon edistäminen 0 0
Yhteiskunnallinen ja kulttuurinen yhdenvertaisuus 0 0
Kulttuuriympäristö 0 0
Ympäristöosaaminen 0 0

9 Final report summary

The aim of the Campus project was to renew Kauppi Campus to Future Health Village, where health sector companies, hospitals and research institutes are continuously broadening and deepening their successful co-operation. During the project, a modern, internationally competitive health and wellbeing innovation environment was developed. Project activities were divided to six parts: management of future health village vision and co-operation, project communication, development of the campus infrastructure, Campus HUB, R&D&I collaboration and Primary Care Center for Learning.
This project strengthens Kauppi Campus position as one of the most significant Finnish health sector innovation centers in Finland. During the project a new HealthHUB open innovation platform was created and developed to the most active and well known platform in Finland. Among other results project initiates new Primary Care Center and Sports Park activities and building new premises. These are significant steps to “The Future Health Village”. The projcet exceeded goals regarding number of development projects, partipated companies and events. Still a lot of work is left to achieve the Future Health Village spirit and to apply world´s most modern and advanced innovation methods to Kauppi Campus.