Euroopan unioni Vipuvoimaa EU:lta

Description of the project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

1 Project

Project code: A74636

Project name: Promoting public-private collaboration to arrange and combine the transportation of people and goods in rural areas

Policy: 1. Competitiveness of SMEs

Specific objective: 1.2. Improving logistics and transportation connections important to SMEs

Planned completion time: Start 1.1.2019 and end 31.8.2022

Operational status: Ended

Responsible authority: Regional Council of Central Ostrobothnia

2 Basic applicant information

Official name of the applicant: Lestijärven kunta

Organisation type: Municipality

Business ID: 0180774-6

Street: Lestintie 39

Telephone number: 044 516 8733

Postal code: 69440

City/town: Lestijärvi


Project contact person's name: Päivi Skantsi

Contact person's position in the organisation: Hankeassistentti

Contact person’s email address: paivi.skantsi(at)

Contact person's phone number: 0406190797

Number of applicants or subsidy transfer:

3 Plan-specified summary of the project completion

This project aims to promote public-private collaboration to arrange and combine the transportation of goods and people in rural areas. In Finland law regulations are changing regarding transport in year 2018. It aims to add digitalization in transport & business to make mobility more as a service. In rural areas the change will be implemented most effective way in public-private collaboration. As the project’s result operating conditions of SME’s in transport business or in other business areas will be better. The public sector will have more efficient transport services of goods and people. Also the Co2-emissions will decrease e.g. after investing to new transport technology.

4 Project target groups

4.1 Actual target groups

Varsinainen kohderyhmä ovat alueen kuljetusalan pk-yritykset, muut pk-yritykset sekä julkinen sektori (lähinnä kunnat) siltä osin, kun se on asiakas kuljetusyrityksille. Muiden alojen pk-yritysten kuljetustapoihin ja alueen asukkaiden kulkemistapoihin halutaan muutosta kohti digitaalista matkojen yhdistelyä.

4.2 Indirect target groups

Asukkaat, joista voi tulla kuljetusyritysten asiakkaita.

5 Public funding of the project (EUR)

EU and State funding granted: 275 859

EU and State funding used: 268 120

Planned public funding (total): 394 084

Planned public funding used (total): 383 029

6 Geographical target area

Regions: Central Ostrobothnia

Subregions: Kaustinen, Kokkola

Municipalities: Veteli, Lestijärvi, Kannus, Perho, Toholampi, Kaustinen, Halsua

Address of the project site, if the project is carried out in one place


Postal code:


7 Estimates of project-specific monitoring information reported during the application phase

7.1 Number of new jobs (only requested for projects belonging to specific objectives 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1)

Planned: 0, in which women are employed 0

Completed according to monitoring information: 0.00, in which women are employed 0.00

7.2 Number of new companies (only requested for projects belonging to specific objective 1.1)

Planned: 0, which are founded by women 0

Completed according to monitoring information: 0.00, which are founded by women 0.00

8 Horizontal principles

8.1 Gender equality

: No
Hankkeen kehittämät toimintamallit soveltuvat molemmille sukupuolille.
: No
Hankkeen kehittämät toimintamallit soveltuvat molemmille sukupuolille.
: No
Hankkeen kehittämät toimintamallit soveltuvat molemmille sukupuolille.

8.2 Sustainable development

Luonnonvarojen käytön kestävyys 0 0
Ilmastonmuutoksen aiheuttamien riskien vähentäminen 0 3
Välillinen vaikutus, kun kuljetustekniikka uusiutuu, liikenne tehostuu ja hiilidioksidipäästöt alenee
Kasvillisuus, eliöt ja luonnon monimuotoisuus 0 0
Pinta- ja pohjavedet, maaperä sekä ilma (ja kasvihuonekaasujen väheneminen) 0 0
Natura 2000 -ohjelman kohteet 0 0
Materiaalit ja jätteet 0 0
Uusiutuvien energialähteiden käyttö 0 0
Paikallisen elinkeinorakenteen kestävä kehittäminen 5 0
Välitön vaikutus, kun tavoitteena on lisätä alueen toimijoiden resilienssiä liikennepalvelulain muutokseen.
Aineettomien tuotteiden ja palvelujen kehittäminen 0 0
Liikkuminen ja logistiikka 10 0
Välitön vaikutus, koska hanke keskittyy juuri liikkumiseen ja logistiikkaan.
Hyvinvoinnin edistäminen 0 0
Tasa-arvon edistäminen 0 0
Yhteiskunnallinen ja kulttuurinen yhdenvertaisuus 0 0
Kulttuuriympäristö 0 0
Ympäristöosaaminen 0 0

9 Final report summary

Kyytiin2 was a project that focused in the following areas: the possibilities arising from the change of Finnish law in traffic services, the needs arising from earlier traffic-related development work in the Central Osthrobothia area.

The project had a wide amount of different target groups: municipalities, healthcare, transportation companies, companies that depend on transpotation, and citizens. The aim was to increase the amount of cooperation between different stakeholders and to try out different kind of piloting solutions. The most important actions were: allowing school transportation for all users, trying out on-demand-transportation in evening-time, creating a new web-page that includes all the transportation services in one place, combining transportation and event tickets, following buses in real-time and promoting ridesharing. The project was also along in creating a network of actors that can create a local ecosystem around biofuels.

As a result of the many actions:
- The citizens got new possibilities to access different services.
- Cooperation between transport-buying public authorities got better.
- Dialog between authorities and suppliers became more regular and was used as a method in offer request processes.
- Companies recognise the importance of transportation in their operations.
- The possible use of environment-friendly and local motive forces took steps forward.