Euroopan unioni Vipuvoimaa EU:lta

Description of the project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)

1 Project

Project code: A75251

Project name: Utilization of digitalization and IoT in water usage an supply ecosystems

Policy: 2. Production and utilisation of latest knowledge and expertise

Specific objective: 5.1. Strengthening innovation work in companies

Planned completion time: Start 1.6.2019 and end 31.5.2023

Operational status: Ended

Responsible authority: Regional Council of Central Ostrobothnia

2 Basic applicant information

Official name of the applicant: Jyväskylän yliopisto

Organisation type: University

Business ID: 0245894-7

Street: Kirjaamo, PL 35, 40014 Jyväskylän yliopisto (toteutuspaikka: Kokkolan yliopistokeskus Chydenius)

Telephone number: 06-8294111 (keskus)

Postal code: 67100

City/town: Kokkola


Project contact person's name: Veli-Matti Tornikoski

Contact person's position in the organisation: Projektipäällikkö

Contact person’s email address: veli-matti.tornikoski(at)

Contact person's phone number: +358 40 075 3860

Number of applicants or subsidy transfer:

3 Plan-specified summary of the project completion

Clean water is the world's most important resource. Producing clean water for people in need and using it has required the development of complex systems and processes over time. It is possible to utilize new technology to produce, process and manage clean water production. By specifically targeting information technology, cities can be developed to be smarter and more sustainable, for example in their water supply services.

At the moment, Finland's water supply services are undoubtedly one of the world's leading suppliers. However, maintaining a good level of water supply requires continuous effort and development. As the technical investments in water supply are long-lasting, the development of water supply systems needs to be looked at in a far-reaching manner, and the development of information technology must also be taken into account. Water-related digital knowledge, as part of Cleantech, can be further developed and exported.

IoT's essence is to connect different devices and things to each other and to the Internet through various networks. Devices and things, by communicating with each other, create new services for communication and information exchange. Several different aspects of water supply are affected by the development of technology and IoT. The areas are often repeated similarly elsewhere, so locally implemented pilots and experiments can produce potentially innovations, methods, processes, services, etc. that can be marketed and exported abroad.

The concept of intelligent water management is not just observing and monitoring the water from stock to consumption, or to simply read the end customer's consumption data. It could be seen to extend to the sources of water and from the processing and distribution to consumption and further back to the processing. At the heart of everything, however, is the intelligent flow of information in a smart water cycle that is produced by information technology solutions.

Cleantech, "clean technology" means products, services, processes and technologies that promote the sustainable use of natural resources and prevent or reduce the negative environmental impact of business. Water-related expertise is seen as part of cleantech, and in Finland there are often large-scale risks associated with water and negative environmental impacts, such as in the different fields of mining. In addition, agriculture in the Central Ostrobothnia region needs to focus now and in the future to e.g. water management, for example by taking into account the circular economy solutions.

The aim of the DIVES project is to identify the state and challenges of water usage and supply ecosystems of water-related operators in Central Ostrobothnia and to produce new, applied research-based information on technologies, methods and processes for digitalization and cleantech, related to water monitoring, treatment and clean water production, distribution and treatment. Also, promote the sustainable use of water resources and prevent the negative environmental impacts of different water-related operations. The project aims to familiarize with IoT technologies, its possibilities to improve water supply and clean water solutions, and the ecosystems that are used or could be used in the water supply sector, and implement various pilots with water-related operators in search of new, effective ways of working in the future. The goal is also to expand and improve the University's wireless technologies and the IoT’s R&D environment through smart specialization for a new field of industry and to be utilized by new entities and partners.

As a result of the project, the latest information on the water know-how of the area and the state of the water ecosystems is available. In addition, new know-how and knowledge about the application of digitalization and IoT are available, as well as solutions related to cleantech for water expertise area. As a result, the University's wireless technologies and IoT's R&D environment develops and expands through smart specialization for a new field of industry and new entities. Collaboration with new operators will increase and digitalization and wireless technology know-how will be combined by creating a new center of excellence in the areas of water expertise. By expanding and utilizing the R&D environment, new pilots can be created that will enable the production of new knowledge and expertise for the center of expertise and its partners, as well as the emergence of new innovations and business ideas. As a whole, the project will provide a new environment for research, education and development related to water, wireless technologies and IoT.

4 Project target groups

4.1 Actual target groups

Projektin pääasiallinen kohderyhmä on vesihuoltoon, veden käsittelyyn ja käyttöön sekä puhtaan veden tuottamiseen ja jakeluun liittyvät organisaatiot sekä näiden osalta osaamistaan kasvattavat tutkimus- ja koulutusorganisaatiot. Lisäksi kohderyhmään kuuluu myös yritykset, jotka tarjoavat IoT- tai Cleantech- tuotteita, palveluja, prosesseja tai teknologioita veden käyttöön ja tuotantoon liittyvien ekosysteemien tarpeisiin.

4.2 Indirect target groups

Välillisenä kohderyhmänä ovat veden käyttöön ja tuotantoon liittyvien ekosysteemien loppukäyttäjät, kuten talousveden käyttäjät kotitalouksissa sekä yrityksissä.
Välillisenä kohderyhmänä ovat myös IoT verkkoja, kuten LoRaWAN, Sigfox, 5G, Lte ja NB-IoT, tarjoavat organisaatiot.

5 Public funding of the project (EUR)

EU and State funding granted: 251 762

EU and State funding used: 251 127

Planned public funding (total): 325 831

Planned public funding used (total): 325 335

6 Geographical target area

Regions: Central Ostrobothnia

Subregions: Kaustinen, Kokkola

Municipalities: Veteli, Kokkola, Lestijärvi, Kannus, Perho, Toholampi, Kaustinen, Halsua

Address of the project site, if the project is carried out in one place


Postal code:


7 Estimates of project-specific monitoring information reported during the application phase

7.1 Number of new jobs (only requested for projects belonging to specific objectives 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1)

Planned: 0, in which women are employed 0

Completed according to monitoring information: 0.00, in which women are employed 0.00

7.2 Number of new companies (only requested for projects belonging to specific objective 1.1)

Planned: 0, which are founded by women 0

Completed according to monitoring information: 0.00, which are founded by women 0.00

8 Horizontal principles

8.1 Gender equality

: No
Projektin toimintaympäristöön tulevat ratkaisut palvelevat tasapuolisesti kaikkia sukupuoleen katsomatta.
: No
Projektin ratkaisut palvelevat tasapuolisesti kaikkia sukupuoleen katsomatta.
: No
Hankkeen päätavoite ei ole sukupuolten tasa-arvon edistäminen.

8.2 Sustainable development

Luonnonvarojen käytön kestävyys 7 5
Projektissa on yhtenä tavoitteena perehtyä IoT teknologioihin, sen mahdollistamiin vesihuollon ja puhtaan veden tuottamisen ratkaisuihin ja ekosysteemeihin, joita käytetään tai joita olisi mahdollista käyttää vesihuollon alalla ja toteuttaa erilaisia pilotteja vesihuoltoon liittyvien toimijoiden kanssa, joilla etsitään uusia tulevaisuuden tehokkaita toimintatapoja.
Ilmastonmuutoksen aiheuttamien riskien vähentäminen 2 3
Projektin tuomat uudet seuranta- ja mittausarvot voivat edesauttaa tuotantolaitosten prosessien säätöä ja siten vähentää luontoon kohdistuvia rasituksia.
Kasvillisuus, eliöt ja luonnon monimuotoisuus 2 1
Projektin tuomat uudet seuranta- ja mittausarvot voivat edesauttaa tuotantolaitosten prosessien säätöä ja siten vähentää luontoon kohdistuvia rasituksia.
Pinta- ja pohjavedet, maaperä sekä ilma (ja kasvihuonekaasujen väheneminen) 8 7
Projektissa on yhtenä tavoitteena perehtyä IoT teknologioihin, sen mahdollistamiin vesihuollon ja puhtaan veden tuottamisen ratkaisuihin ja ekosysteemeihin, joita käytetään tai joita olisi mahdollista käyttää vesihuollon alalla ja toteuttaa erilaisia pilotteja vesihuoltoon liittyvien toimijoiden kanssa, joilla etsitään uusia tulevaisuuden tehokkaita toimintatapoja.
Natura 2000 -ohjelman kohteet 0 0
Projektilla ei ole yhteyttä Natura 2000 -ohjelman kohteisiin.
Materiaalit ja jätteet 0 0
Projektilla ei ole vaikutusta materiaalien kierrätykseen tai hyötykäyttöön.
Uusiutuvien energialähteiden käyttö 2 1
Projektin mittausverkoissa on mahdollista käyttää mm. aurinkopaneeleita virranlähteenä.
Paikallisen elinkeinorakenteen kestävä kehittäminen 4 3
Projektin avulla paikallista osaamista pyritään kasvattamaan, jolloin paikallisen liiketoiminnan ja elinkeinorakenteen kehittyminen on mahdollista.
Aineettomien tuotteiden ja palvelujen kehittäminen 4 2
Projektissa kehitetään älykkään mittausjärjestelmän ja verkkoportaalin ratkaisuja, joihin sisältyy aineettomia tuotoksia.
Liikkuminen ja logistiikka 3 2
Järjestelmän tuottamat monitorointi ja mittaustulokset voivat vähentää mm. ajoneuvoilla tehtäviä käyntejä mittauskohteisiin, jatkuva-aikaisen ja reaaliaisen mittaustulosten tullessa verkkoportaaliin.
Hyvinvoinnin edistäminen 2 3
Projektin tuomat uudet seuranta- ja mittausarvot voivat edesauttaa tuotantolaitosten prosessien säätöä ja siten vähentää luontoon kohdistuvia rasituksia.
Tasa-arvon edistäminen 0 0
Projektissa ei suoranaisesti ole yhteyttä tasa-arvon kehittämiseen.
Yhteiskunnallinen ja kulttuurinen yhdenvertaisuus 2 1
Projektin tavoitteena on tarjota kaikille yhdenvertainen mahdollisuus päästä tarkastelemaan julkisia mittaus- ja monitorointituloksia.
Kulttuuriympäristö 1 1
Projektin tuomat uudet seuranta- ja mittausarvot voivat edesauttaa tuotantolaitosten prosessien säätöä ja siten vähentää luontoon kohdistuvia rasituksia.
Ympäristöosaaminen 7 6
Projektissa on tarkoitus pilotoida uusinta teknologiaa erilaisten kenttäkokeilujen avulla, joissa etsitään toimivia tulevaisuuden cleantech-ratkaisuja vesiosaamiseen liittyviin toimintaympäristöihin sekä todentaa erilaisten ratkaisujen ja järjestelmien soveltuvuutta erilaisissa vesiekosysteemeissä. Projektin tuloksia esitellään kansallisissa ja kansainvälissä konferensseissa ja erilaisissa tapahtumissa.

9 Final report summary

The aim of the DIVES project was to strengthen innovation activities among water-related stakeholders in Central Ostrobothnia, Finland, and to promote the utilization of new digital technologies and Internet of Things. This was initially approached by assessing the current state and challenges of the water ecosystem actors. The project specifically focused on the utilization of digitalization and cleantech technologies in areas related to water monitoring, treatment, clean water production, and distribution. The project gathered comprehensive information about application areas and suitable technologies. To generate new, agile experimental knowledge, the project implemented a water data pilot platform, which served as a foundation for various pilots in the Central Ostrobothnia region to demonstrate the possibilities and benefits of digitalization, especially the Internet of Things (IoT), for various water industry stakeholders.

I. Investigating different water-actors and ecosystems in the Utilization of Digitalization:

In the initial phase of the project, the status and challenges of water-related ecosystems in Central Ostrobothnia were mapped. The project development team investigated the activities, current status, and challenges of water stakeholders in the region, providing a baseline for the project's activities. In addition to looking into the current state, various areas within ecosystems were examined to identify opportunities for leveraging digital solutions or technologies to enhance existing operations or enable new initiatives that were previously not feasible. The investigation explored aspects such as data collection practices, automation, data processing, storage, and analysis. It also identified what aspects of water or water-related businesses could be measured.

In the digitalization assessment, existing technologies that could be used to address certain existing challenges in water use and production were studied, with a focus on IoT technologies. Comprehensive information on different solution models for water data collection and analysis was collected. These served as foundational knowledge for the design of such a solution model pilot, leading to the execution of various proof-of-concept experiments and tests. The identified challenges served as a basis for subsequent development activities.

II. Knowledge and Expertise:
Applied research on water monitoring, treatment, and technological solutions for clean water production was conducted during the project. Various digitalization and IoT-based solutions were developed in collaboration with industry experts. The outcome was knowledge and expertise that offered practical tools for various aspects of water supply.

III. IoT Technology Research and Pilots:
The project delved into IoT technologies and their potential in water treatment and production. Multiple pilot projects were conducted during the project in collaboration with local stakeholders to implement and test various solutions for water treatment, production, consumption, and monitoring processes. These pilot initiatives yielded insights into the effectiveness and suitability of technologies in real-world scenarios, from different business perspectives.

IV. Expansion of University Research and Development Environment:
One of the project's goals was to expand the university's research and development environment in wireless technologies and IoT for the water sector. This was achieved through smart specialization, enabling experts and stakeholders to participate in research and development in this emerging field. The expansion of the environment laid a strong foundation for future innovations and collaborations.

V. Involvement of New Parties and Collaboration:
The project promoted collaboration among various stakeholders. New partners and entities joined the project at different stages, bringing diverse expertise and perspectives. This collaboration facilitated the generation of new ideas and opened opportunities for business ventures.

The DIVES project successfully achieved its set objectives and generated new knowledge and expertise in some areas of water monitoring and utilization. The mapping of challenges faced by stakeholders and the exploration of digitalization's potential, along with the production of knowledge and expertise, the implementation of IoT pilots, and the expansion of the university's IoT research environment, all contributed positively to the development of new competencies in the region. The collaboration and expertise in the project provide a strong foundation for future experiments and innovations, as well as the continued development of digital operations for water-related organizations and companies in the region.

The project has advanced the utilization of digital tools in water business while creating new expertise and collaboration opportunities. The success of the project can be attributed to close cooperation, innovation, and expertise.