Euroopan unioni Vipuvoimaa EU:lta

Euroopan aluekehitysrahaston (EAKR) rahoittaman hankkeen kuvaus

1 Hanke

Hankekoodi: A76296

Hankkeen nimi: B&B Investointi

Toimintalinja: 1. Pk-yritystoiminnan kilpailukyky

Erityistavoite: 3.1. Pk-yritysten energiatehokkuuden edistäminen

Suunnitelman mukainen toteutusaika: Alkaa 4.5.2020 ja päättyy 31.3.2021

Toiminnan tila: Toiminta päättynyt

Vastuuviranomainen: Pohjois-Pohjanmaan elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus

2 Hakijan perustiedot

Hakijan virallinen nimi: B&B ADVENTURES OY

Organisaatiotyyppi: Mikroyritys

Y-tunnus: 2921162-9

Jakeluosoite: Kullankaivajanlenkki 8

Puhelinnumero: +31 683577071

Postinumero: 95970

Postitoimipaikka: ÄKÄSLOMPOLO


Hankkeen yhteyshenkilön nimi: de Jong Gijsberta

Yhteyshenkilön asema hakijaorganisaatiossa: CEO

Yhteyshenkilön sähköpostisoite: info(at)

Yhteyshenkilön puhelinnumero: +31 683577071

Hakijoiden lukumäärä tai tuen siirto -menettely:

3 Suunnitelman mukainen tiivistelmä toteutuksesta

Safaritalo B&B Adventures Oy:lle.

4 Hankkeen kohderyhmät

4.1 Varsinaiset kohderyhmät

4.2 Välilliset kohderyhmät

5 Projektin julkinen rahoitus, euroa

Myönnetty EU- ja valtion rahoitus: 125 180

Toteutunut EU- ja valtion rahoitus: 115 345

Suunniteltu julkinen rahoitus yhteensä: 125 180

Toteutunut julkinen rahoitus yhteensä: 115 345

6 Maantieteellinen kohdealue

Maakunnat: Lappi

Seutukunnat: Tunturi-Lapin

Kunnat: Kolari

Toteutuspaikan osoite, jos hanke toteutetaan yhdessä paikassa

Jakeluosoite: Sivulantie

Postinumero: 95970

Postitoimipaikka: ÄKÄSLOMPOLO

7 Hakemusvaiheessa ilmoitettavat arviot hankekohtaisista seurantiedoista

7.1 Uusien työpaikkojen määrä (kysytään vain erityistavoitteisiin 1.1, 2.1 ja 3.1 kuuluvissa hankkeissa)

Suunniteltu: 1, joihin työllistyvät naiset 0

Toteutunut seurantatietojen mukaan: 0.00, joihin työllistyvät naiset 0.00

7.2 Uusien yritysten määrä (kysytään vain erityistavoitteeseen 1.1 kuuluvissa hankkeissa)

Suunniteltu: 0, joista naisten perustamia 0

Toteutunut seurantatietojen mukaan: 0.00, joista naisten perustamia 0.00

8 Horisontaaliset periaatteet

8.1 Sukupuolten tasa-arvo

Hankkeessa on tehty toimintaympäristön analyysi sukupuolinäkökulmasta: Ei
The company and its operations have been designed to enhance gender equality. At the moment during high season there have been 3 women and 2 men working for the company. The entrepreneurs and the employees realize and openly discuss together how important it is to have a gender balance in the company. Over time the entrepreneurs have learned the importance of having equal amounts of both female and male employees in the company for the sake of themselves and their customers. Therefore not a specific analysis has been written as it is in the company’s values.
Sukupuolinäkökulma on huomioitu hankkeen toiminnassa (valtavirtaistaminen): Kyllä
Through the project the company is able to maintain its gender equality and have a perfect balance of both female and male individuals working for the company. This season there has been one more female employees than male. With the company growing through this project a balance can be restored. The entrepreneurs themselves have a balance of female (1) and male (1) members so gender equality comes naturally in all actions they take.
Hankkeen päätavoite on sukupuolten tasa-arvon edistäminen: Ei
The main goal of the project is to have a more spaceous safari house for the grown company and to aim at lowering the company’s carbon emissions with both a more environment friendly safari house and by offering customers more environment friendly services. Gender equality is a natural part of the company’s actions and therefore it is not the main goal of this project.

8.2 Kestävä kehitys

Ekologinen kestävyys
Luonnonvarojen käytön kestävyys 7 5
Through the project the company is able to save in carbon emissions and lower their energy consumption. They will use more renewable resources in their business (the heating system of the safari house) and thus support natural resource sustainability. They always bring a guide to take the customers on a tour to make sure the customers stay on marked routes. That helps preserve the natural diversity.
Ilmastonmuutoksen aiheuttamien riskien vähentäminen 8 5
As the new safari house decreases the emissions of the company, also the effect on climate change is reduced. And by promoting and providing environment friendly experiences for the customers they can make both direct and indirect influence on the mark the tourists leave when spending their vacations in Lapland. Therefore also the risks caused by the climate change are reduced by the company and the project.
Kasvillisuus, eliöt ja luonnon monimuotoisuus 10 8
The company is careful to use only marked routes for their customers’ safaris and trips. The guides are all well trained for the job and that also helps the whole company to preserve the natural diversity. The new safari house will be built and heated in a very environmentally friendly way using wood instead of electricity to heat the water warming the building.
Pinta- ja pohjavedet, maaperä sekä ilma (ja kasvihuonekaasujen väheneminen) 10 7
The company is very innovative in finding ways to offer customers environment friendly services and to lower their own carbon footprint in the surrounding nature; waters, soil and clean air. They have planned the new safari house to be very environment friendly through the building materials and the form and amount of energy it consumes.
Natura 2000 -ohjelman kohteet 8 7
The company operates close to a Natura 2000 sight. The whole staff is very serious about maintaining nature’s diversity and respecting the nature’s immunity. This project promotes the responsible work they do in the travel industry.
Taloudellinen kestävyys
Materiaalit ja jätteet 8 7
The company is aiming at operating as environment friendly as possible and therefore they are planning to recycle as much as possible and to support their customers to do the same.
Uusiutuvien energialähteiden käyttö 10 5
The new safari house uses wood as source of energy and electricity only as secondary source in case of higher energy consumption, such as extremely low temperatures at winter time.
Paikallisen elinkeinorakenteen kestävä kehittäminen 10 10
The entrepreneurs and the project aims at hiring local companies and entrepreneurs for the project. The entrepreneurs have also a very strong network of local companies who they work closely with and for in their everyday actions.
Aineettomien tuotteiden ja palvelujen kehittäminen 7 5
The company aims at teaching their customers about the history and nature of Lapland. These are their key values in the way they operate the business.
Liikkuminen ja logistiikka 10 8
The project helps the company to serve their customers from and in one place which lowers their need for logistics. They can start the tours and trips from the new safari house without the need to collect for example gear from different places which is also customer friendly. The safari house is located right by the official snow mobile tracks and that reduces the logistics needed for snow mobile safaris.
Sosiaalinen ja kulttuurinen kestävyys sekä yhdenvertaisuus
Hyvinvoinnin edistäminen 7 5
The project enables the company to work in a much more suitable spaces and to develop the business further. This will benefit both the employees and the customers.
Tasa-arvon edistäminen 10 3
The company operates by 3 women and 2 men and they want to keep the balance of equal amount of both genders. They have experienced that this way of working serves themselves and their customers best.
Yhteiskunnallinen ja kulttuurinen yhdenvertaisuus 10 10
The entrepreneurs themselves come from a different culture. That alone promotes cultural and social equality in the area. The company also serves customers from different countries without any prejudices and wants to provide everyone a high class experience of Lapland Finland.
Kulttuuriympäristö 10 10
The company supports and promotes local cultural environment and actors in it. They want to teach the local history and culture to their customers and learn more themselves, too. They employ people with different nationalities and embrace that.
Ympäristöosaaminen 10 10
The entrepreneurs and their staff are well educated about the environmental know-how and keep studying more at all times.

9 Loppuraportin tiivistelmä

Our goal was to build a new safari house for our grown winter activities and a Bed & Breakfast for our customers. The whole project was successful and the new safari house and garages are already in full use. Earlier than expected. With this project and the growing market of tourism in Ylläs we will also offer summer activities for our customers.