Euroopan unioni Vipuvoimaa EU:lta

Description of the project funded by the European Social Fund (ESF)

1 Project

Project code: S21591

Project name: NATURALLY - the training model unites Green Care methods into social rehabilitation

Policy: 5. Social inclusion and combating poverty

Specific objective: 10.1. Improving the ability of those outside employment to work and function

Planned completion time: Start 1.2.2019 and end 31.12.2021

Operational status: Ended

Responsible authority: Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment North Ostrobothnia

2 Basic applicant information

Official name of the applicant: KSAK Oy

Organisation type: Vocational institute

Business ID: 0832600-5

Street: PL 13

Telephone number: 040 860 8949

Postal code: 93601

City/town: Kuusamo


Project contact person's name: Auli Posio

Contact person's position in the organisation: hankepäällikkö

Contact person’s email address: auli.posio(at)

Contact person's phone number: 040 531 6426

Number of applicants or subsidy transfer:


3 Plan-specified summary of the project completion

The aim of the project is to combine the starting points of social rehabilitation and Green Care criteria, and, as nature-based rehabilitation services and methods, to bring them together with, or as an alternative to, the social rehabilitation services of Rovaniemi and Kuusamo. The main objective is to strengthen the working and functional capacity of families at risk of exclusion, long-term unemployed and drug-addicted families as well as families from various cultural minorities, and engage them in nature-based methods.

The project is managed and coordinated by KSAK Oy, with its part-time partners Lapland University of Applied Sciences and Ksakki ry. The project will be carried out as a joint project in order to extensively integrate nature-based Green Care methods into social rehabilitation, taking into account the priorities of different regions and organizations.

KSAK Oy produces and distributes extensive information on Green Care, builds networks and creates operating models with part-time partners, and participates in training pilots and projects, and in the evaluation of their results.

The main responsibility of the Lapland University of Applied Sciences is to design, pilot and formulate the training model. Piloting will be carried out in Rovaniemi, Kuusamo, Taivalkoski and Pudasjärvi, with social rehabilitation personnel or people interested in these services. Participants in the coaching will apply / test their learning to / on their clients along with their own work or as part of the pilot.

Ksakki ry's main responsibility is for the client operations oriented towards nature. In addition, they will participate in the development of a coaching model, for example by participating in pilot training at the Lapland University of Applied Sciences. The association will pilot and further develop the Green Care methods in various natural environments, utilizing methods selected according to the needs of the participants, and in collaboration with the project actors and service providers. Customer work utilizes already existing customer groups, various natural environments and methods according to the needs of the participants, and in co-operation with the project actors and service providers.

As a result of the project, the operational capability and the experience of participation of the participating clients will be enhanced, and they will subsequently progress in their training and employment paths or bring meaningful activities to their daily lives. The Green Care operating models and the training model generated by the project will be introduced into the organizations carrying out the project and into other non-operational service units, as appropriate.

The project provides adaptable information on the suitability of nature-based rehabilitation activities in strengthening inclusion and the capacity for action. In the area of operation, knowledge of Green Care is increasing and a network of activities has been built around it. Knowledge and experience come into the practice for all the actors and other stakeholders in rehabilitation and nature services, and this can be developed further.

As a quantitative result of the project, 90 customers strengthened their own operational capability and involvement in nature-based methods. In addition, about 80 persons will develop their services and / or improve their skills in Green Care-type service activities.

As a long-term result of the project, nature-based rehabilitation services and methods, as well as skilled personnel, can be introduced alongside or as an alternative to social rehabilitation services.

4 Project target groups

4.1 Actual target groups

Asiakaskohderyhmänä ovat eri ikäiset kuntoutujat, joille tarjotaan vaihtoehtoista sosiaalista osallisuutta tukevaa kuntoutuspalvelua aikaisempien palvelujen rinnalle. Heille ei välttämättä ole tarjolla tilanteeseen sopivaa ja/tai palvelujärjestelmässä saatavilla olevaa sosiaalista osallisuutta tukevaa kuntoutuspalvelua. Kohderyhmään kuuluvat erilaisissa tuen tarpeissa ja/tai syrjäytymisvaarassa olevia henkilöitä mm. mielenterveys- ja päihdekuntoutujat, pitkäaikaistyöttömät, maahanmuuttajat, romanit. Yhtenä kohderyhmänä ovat myös moniongelmaiset perheet. Perheissä varsinainen asiakas on aikuinen vanhempi tai vanhemmat, mutta lapset otetaan mukaan toimintaan.

Osaamisen kehittämisen kohderyhmänä ovat sosiaalisen kuntoutuksen palveluja tarjoavien toimintayksiköt ja niiden henkilöstö ja toiminnasta kiinnostuneet henkilöt sekä ostaja- ja päättäjätahot, jotka saavat lisää tietoa, osaamista, yhteistyömalleja ja -verkostoja sekä saavat hankkeessa sovellettuja toimintamalleja käyttöönsä. Lisäksi kohderyhmänä ovat luontoyrittäjät, luontomatkailuyrittäjät tai luontoyrittäjiksi aikovat, jotka saavat hankkeen myötä myös uutta tietoa, osaamista ja menetelmiä käyttöönsä sovellettavaksi.

4.2 Indirect target groups

Hankkeen kehittämistoiminnasta hyötyvät välillisesti muut alueen toimijat, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita kehittämään Green Care –palveluja sekä hankkeen toiminta-alueen ulkopuolella olevat kuntoutus- ja työllisyyspalveluiden toimijat. Koulutusorganisaatiot hyötyvät myös hankkeen toiminnasta uudenlaisen osaamisen ja valmennusmallin kehittymisen myötä.

5 Public funding of the project (EUR)

EU and State funding granted: 536 000

EU and State funding used: 485 744

Planned public funding (total): 638 500

Planned public funding used (total): 578 302

6 Geographical target area

Regions: Northern Ostrobothnia, Lapland

Subregions: Rovaniemi, Oulunkaari, Koillismaa

Municipalities: Rovaniemi, Taivalkoski, Kuusamo, Pudasjärvi

Address of the project site, if the project is carried out in one place


Postal code:


7 Estimates of project-specific monitoring information reported during the application phase

7.1 Number of participating companies

Planned: 20

Completed according to monitoring information: 21

7.2 Number of participating persons

Planned: 170

8 Horizontal principles

8.1 Gender equality

: Yes
Toimintaympäristön analyysiä sukupuolinäkökulmasta on tehty hyödyntänen Pohjois-Pohjanmaan monialainen yhteispalvelu Askeleen asiantuntijoita, aikuissosiaali- ja lastensuojelun asiantuntijoita Kuusamossa sekä Rovaniemellä. Asiantuntijoiden ja tilastojen mukaan sukupuolijakauma 40% naisia ja 60% miehiä. Esim. kuntouttavassa työtoiminnassa on hieman enempi miehiä. Sen sijaan kuntoutuksen palveluja tarjoavien toimintayksiköiden henkilöstö on naisvaltaista.
: Yes
Hankkeen toimenpiteet kohdistuvat sekä naisiin että miehiin ja osallistujilla on sukupuoleen katsomatta yhdenvertaiset mahdollisuudet päästä hankkeeseen
: No
Hankkeen aikana pyritään edistämään tasa-arvoista osallistumista ja huolehditaan, että toteuttamistavat ovat sellaisia, että ne edistävät sekä naisten että miesten osallistumista. Hankkeessa pyritään edistämään tasa-arvoa, mutta se ei ole päätavoite.

8.2 Sustainable development

Luonnonvarojen käytön kestävyys 2 8
Green Care -toiminnan keskeinen periaate on kestävä kehitys kaikella tavalla ja sitä pyritään noudattamaan hankkeen toiminnassa.
Ilmastonmuutoksen aiheuttamien riskien vähentäminen 0 0
Ei koske tätä hanketta.
Kasvillisuus, eliöt ja luonnon monimuotoisuus 2 8
Toiminnassa otetaan huomioon kasvien ja luonnon monimuotoisuus ja suojellaan niitä. Luonnon arvostus lisääntyy, kun osallistujien luontosuhde vahvistuu ja he oppivat toimimaan luonnossa.
Pinta- ja pohjavedet, maaperä sekä ilma (ja kasvihuonekaasujen väheneminen) 0 0
Ei koske tätä hanketta.
Natura 2000 -ohjelman kohteet 0 6
Koillismaalla sijaitsee Natura 2000 -ohjelma alueella ja hankkeessa voidaan hyödyntää sen kohteita esim. retkikohteena.
Materiaalit ja jätteet 2 6
Toiminnassa suositellaan kierrätystä ja luonnonmateriaalien kestävää käyttöä.
Uusiutuvien energialähteiden käyttö 0 0
Ei koske tätä hanketta.
Paikallisen elinkeinorakenteen kestävä kehittäminen 6 8
Hankkeella tuetaan paikallisia elinkeinoja kuten matkailua, kalastusta, metsänhoitoa ja luonnontuotteiden keruutoimintaa.
Aineettomien tuotteiden ja palvelujen kehittäminen 4 6
Kehitetään aineettomia toimintamalleja luontoon tukeutuvassa kuntoutuksessa.
Liikkuminen ja logistiikka 2 4
Pitkien etäisyyksien vuoksi käytetään hanketoimijoiden keskinäisessä yhteydenpidossa osittain verkkopalavereita ja muita sähköisiä yhteyksiä. Toimintakohteisiin on liikuttava autolla.
Hyvinvoinnin edistäminen 8 8
Hankkeella edistetään osallistujien hyvinvointia ja osallisuutta järjestämällä kuntoutumisen ja osallisuuden kokemusten mahdollisuuksia.
Tasa-arvon edistäminen 2 5
Hankkeen aikana pyritään tasa-arvoista osallistumista ja huolehditaan, että toteuttamistavat ovat sellaisia, että ne edistävät sekä naisten että miesten osallistumista. Hankkeessa pyritään edistämään tasa-arvoa.
Yhteiskunnallinen ja kulttuurinen yhdenvertaisuus 3 4
Hanke lisää toiminta-alueellaan luontokulttuurin asemaa ja tukee niidenkin osallistujien luontosuhteen vahvistumista, joilla ei ole ollut aikaisemmin mahdollisuuksia päästä luontoon erityisesti.
Kulttuuriympäristö 3 4
Hankkeessa tutustutaan pohjoiseen luontoympäristöön ja vaalitaan perinteiseen pohjoiseen kulttuuriin kuuluvia luontotoimintoja kuten kalastus ja luonnontuotteiden keruu.
Ympäristöosaaminen 4 7
Osallistujien ympäristöosaaminen ja tietoisuus luontoympäristöstä lisääntyy aktiivisessa luontotoiminnassa.

9 Final report summary

The project sought a solution to the region's need to develop nature-based rehabilitation services to promote inclusion, and working and functional capacity. The main objective was to strengthen the working and functional capacity of families at risk of social exclusion, the long-term unemployed, and substance abusers, families with multiple problems, and families from various different cultural minorities, as well as inclusion by using nature as the framework setting.

The project has enabled green care methods to be used, which can be seen in the results: a strengthening of inclusion, working and functional capacity, an improved attitude towards work in personnel, and an increase in networks and information. The area is better situated for carrying out social rehabilitation on a nature-based basis. The project personnel's development of the expertise and networks will also enable greater support for operators in the future.

To achieve this goal, networks were built in different ways and levels, and more Green Care information was brought to the area. A total of 12 Green Care information and networking events and eight thematic workshops/webinars were organised. In addition, we designed, launched and implemented the Nature & Creativity in the Social and Healthcare Sector round-table project as well as the TAIDA! project. The multidisciplinary discussion forum promoted the visibility and utilisation of nature and art-based methods, shared information, disseminated good practices and assisted in building a network. These operations will continue after the project. On the buyer's side, discussion moments explored the benefits of Green Care activities and methods, and shared information on both sides. Information was also shared on social media channels. The project's networking work has been described as the inclusion part of the Art, Culture and Nature-based Inclusion Network.

As planned, the Luonnollisesti coaching model was developed, piloted and formulated for social rehabilitation workers. The coaching increased the expertise in nature-based methods and their application professionally, responsibly and in a goal-oriented manner to client work. The participants were able to use the Green Care methods to carry out activities for social rehabilitation target groups. The coaching was carried out as a process that included three days of in-person activities and its own Green Care implementation. The themes were the central content of social rehabilitation, the Green Care operating model, and My Way of Implementing Green Care as Part of Social Rehabilitation. Guidance and mentoring were available throughout the process. It featured three perspectives: theoretical content, methodological competence, and development expertise. Coaching was developed cyclically. After each time, functionality was assessed through client feedback and coaching evaluation. Eight training sessions were carried out, with 87 participants (the goal having been 80). The coaching model created in the project and its good experiences have been utilised to develop the Green Care diploma training program.

Green Care methods were introduced to and promoted the inclusion of social rehabilitation clients and families, as well as the families' working and functional capacity. 13 three-month Resources from Nature groups were implemented, and 67 people participated in them (the goal having been 65). Three family groups were implemented, and due to the coronavirus situation, meetings with families were carried out on an individual basis. 16 families, 24 adults (the goal having been 25), and 33 children participated in family group activities. Due to the coronavirus situation, the development of remote coaching was added to the project plan, which makes it possible to continue operations even in exceptional circumstances. A thematic frame of 12 meetings was developed for the group's activities. Groups were implemented in all seasons and different methods were piloted. Based on the feedback received and the client assessment, the participants' involvement has increased. In general, nature activities were perceived to bring energy, cheer, and variety to everyday life. Changes in working and functional capacity were also observed, but these did not always show up in the indicators. In the future, the different possibilities of measurement will still need to be considered. Nature-based activities achieved the goals set out for them. The feedback received from customers was very good overall, and they would want to participate in similar activities in the future. The operating model created has already been implemented in various services during the project. The material produced can also be utilised by different operators in the future.