Euroopan unioni Vipuvoimaa EU:lta

Description of the project funded by the European Social Fund (ESF)

1 Project

Project code: S22918

Project name: GoGlobal 2023 - knowledge and resilience for international business

Policy: 9. REACT-EU ESF measures

Specific objective: 12.4. Increasing the ability of companies and entrepreneurs to transform

Planned completion time: Start 1.1.2023 and end 31.12.2023

Operational status: Ended

Responsible authority: Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment South Savo

2 Basic applicant information

Official name of the applicant: Business Joensuu Oy

Organisation type: Other legal person governed by private law

Business ID: 2921270-1

Street: Länsikatu 15

Telephone number: +358 10 419 8011

Postal code: 80110

City/town: Joensuu


Project contact person's name: Jarmo Kauppinen

Contact person's position in the organisation: Kehityspäällikkö

Contact person’s email address: jarmo.kauppinen(at)

Contact person's phone number: 0500285905

Number of applicants or subsidy transfer:

3 Plan-specified summary of the project completion


The main goal of the "GoGlobal 2023 – knowledge and resilience for international business" project is to develop the knowledge, resilience and the competence of the internationalizing companies and their key personnel in North Karelia.

The main goal is divided to the following sub-goals:
1. New Business Joensuu internationalization services will be developed, including for example, the following coaching modules: customer benefits, digital marketing, choosing the right market, options for going to market, building export channels and choosing a business partner. Services develop companies' constant ability to change and quick business responsiveness. The coaching modules form a logical and comprehensive path to the internationalization of companies. The services are developed to be easily understandable and customizable. The goal is to develop at least 6 coaching modules.
2. We improve the international business skills and continuous ability to change and fast responsiveness of business by long-term coaching based on the needs documented to the service plan. After the coaching the companies and key personnel will be better prepared for unpredicted changes in the business environment. No service provider currently offers such long-term coaching. The goal is to make a needs assessment and clarification of the internationalization strategy for 25 companies, service proposal for 15 companies and get 12 of these companies for intensive coaching.
3. Together with export companies, a new "North Karelia Export Companies” community will be launched. The LinkedIn community enables e.g. information sharing and peer learning and exchange of experiences in a group. The goal is to get 30-40 companies to the community.


The following concrete actions will be implemented in the project:

Action 1: Plan, develop and produce coaching modules (related to goal 1).
• The content of the coaching modules is planned and developed. The preliminary themes of the coaching modules are as follows; customer benefits, digital marketing, choosing the right market, options for entering the market, building export channels and choosing a business partner.
• Each coaching module includes a company-specific preliminary task, group coaching, company-specific coaching, on-the-job learning in the company, and sparring.
• Training modules are developed throughout the project based on feedback from the companies that participated in the training.
• An interview form is designed and drawn up to measure the level of the company's key persons level of international competence´.
• Produce and document all training modules at the end of the project.

Action 2: We coach the key personnel of the companies with group and individual coaching (related to goal 2).
• Implementation of this action starts with customer recruitment and engagement.
• For the companies chosen as customers, a company-specific needs survey is first carried out, where the company's current situation and the company's international business goals will be defined.
• After the needs survey, the company's business strategy is clarified.
• After this, a company-specific service proposal plan is made for each company (tailored from the training modules developed in step 1 and their contents). If the company accepts the service proposal, it will become a service plan, which will be implemented with the training package.
• Before the start of the trainings, the company will have a basic level measurement of international competence by interviewing the company's international key personnel participating in the training sessions. A similar interview is conducted at the end of the project for the same key personnel. This is used to measure the increase in the level of the international competence of the international key persons participating in the training unit.
• The training modules are implemented by Business Joensuu's experienced international business couching experts and external experts.

Action 3: The "Community of North Karelia Export Hub" is launched (related to goal 3).
• North Karelia's export companies are gathered to learn together and from each other and to exchange experiences. Activities start on digital LinkedIn platform. On this platform, companies can help each other facilitated by Business Joensuu.
• We plan and decide the name of the community, the rules, and plan the annual clock and implement it.
• Marketing the community through direct and undirect communication and with the help of the relevant stakeholders in the area.
• Communication in the Hub is started gradually and long-term. The goal is to share value-producing content, networking, and interact with customers. Like, for example, information sharing, needs surveys, market, and financial information.
• The companies of the community share with other companies, for example, suitable export tips. The community enables peer learning and exchange of experiences in the group.
• Community activities are developed based on the experiences in the end of this project.

Action 4: Organize an internationalization event at the end of the project.
• The aim of the event is to activate more companies from the region interested in internationalization and to share GoGlobal2023 project success stories and tips.
• The theme of the event and the high-level speaker are selected based on the needs of the participating companies.
• 40 people are targeted for the event.

1. At least 6 new coaching modules will be produced.
2. Effectiveness of the coaching: the level of competence of the key personnel increases from the initial situation by at least one unit on a scale of 1–5 during the intensive coaching period. This is measured by interviewing the participants at the beginning and end of the coaching. As a long-term result after the project the number of export companies increases and the export value of the companies that were in coaching increases.
3. The "North Karelia Export Hub´community" has been developed and launched.

4 Project target groups

4.1 Actual target groups

- Pohjois-Karjalan alueen vientihaluiset pk-yritykset, heidän omistajansa, hallituksen jäsenet sekä kv-avainhenkilöt.
- Kv-potentiaaliset yritykset, joille tehdään hankkeessa tarvekartoitus ja palvelusuunnitelma.
- Kotimarkkinoilla toimivat potentiaaliset vientiyritykset.
- Maakunnan kehittämisyhtiöissä ja kunnissa yritysten kehittämisen parissa työskentelevät asiantuntijat.

Hankkeeseen ovat alustavasti tässä vaiheessa lupautuneet osallistumaan kohdeyrityksinä seuraavat yritykset; Kimmelux Oy, Kolo Design Oy, Metsäpalvelu Turunen Oy, Fluent Progress RT Oy, CareCare Oy ja TKR-Marketing Oy, joiden sähköpostilla lähetetyt yrityssitoumukset ovat hakemuksen liitteenä. Muita alustavasti kiinnostuneita yrityksiä ovat esim. BCon Oy, Mecmetal Oy, Sooci Oy ja FinEq International Oy, joiden kanssa jatketaan keskusteluja, samoin kuin muiden potentiaalisten uusien yritysten kanssa.

4.2 Indirect target groups

- Kansainvälistyville yrityksille tärkeät sidosryhmät, kuten Pohjois-Karjalan Kauppakamari ja alueen Team Finland -toimijat.
- Kotimarkkinoilla toimivat, mutta tulevaisuudessa potentiaaliset vientiyritykset.

5 Public funding of the project (EUR)

EU and State funding granted: 220 500

EU and State funding used: 157 111

Planned public funding (total): 275 625

Planned public funding used (total): 196 389

6 Geographical target area

Regions: North Karelia

Subregions: Joensuu, Central Karelia, Pielinen Karelia

Municipalities: Polvijärvi, Liperi, Lieksa, Kontiolahti, Nurmes, Rääkkylä, Outokumpu, Tohmajärvi, Joensuu, Heinävesi, Kitee, Juuka, Ilomantsi

Address of the project site, if the project is carried out in one place


Postal code:


7 Estimates of project-specific monitoring information reported during the application phase

7.1 Number of participating companies

Planned: 25

Completed according to monitoring information: 26

7.2 Number of participating persons

Planned: 40

8 Horizontal principles

8.1 Gender equality

: No
Hankkeessa ei ole tehty sukupuolinäkökulmasta lähtevää toimintaympäristön analyysiä. Aikaisemmista hankkeista olemme raportoinnin kautta keränneet tietoa myös eri sukupuolten osallistumisesta tämän tyyppisiin hankkeisiin. Samoin kehitysyhtiön normaalitoiminnan myötä on muodostunut käsitys eri toimialojen henkilöstön sukupuolijakaumasta. Hanke on toimialariippumaton, joten hankkeeseen osallistuu yrityksiä sekä mies- että naisvaltaisilta toimialoilta.
: Yes
Hankkeessa valmennetaan yrityksen henkilöstöä kansainvälisen liiketoimintaosaamisen kautta siten, että yrityksen kv-toiminta saadaan kasvu-uralle. Hankkeen valmennuksissa huomioidaan sukupuolten tasapuolinen näkökulma. Myös toimialojen erityispiirteitä käsitellään sukupuolinäkökulma huomioiden
: No
Päätavoitteena hankkeessa on Pohjois-Karjalan kansainvälistyvien yritysten ja avainhenkilöiden muutoskyvykkyyden sekä kv-osaamisen kehittäminen, jotta kansainvälisestä liiketoiminnasta saadaan tulevaisuudessa yhä useammalle yritykselle jatkuvaa kassavirtaa.

8.2 Sustainable development

Luonnonvarojen käytön kestävyys 0 0
Ei relevantti hankkeen kannalta.
Ilmastonmuutoksen aiheuttamien riskien vähentäminen 0 0
Ei relevantti hankkeen kannalta.
Kasvillisuus, eliöt ja luonnon monimuotoisuus 0 0
Ei relevantti hankkeen kannalta.
Pinta- ja pohjavedet, maaperä sekä ilma (ja kasvihuonekaasujen väheneminen) 0 0
Ei relevantti hankkeen kannalta.
Natura 2000 -ohjelman kohteet 0 0
Ei relevantti hankkeen kannalta.
Materiaalit ja jätteet 0 0
Ei suoranaista vaikutusta.
Uusiutuvien energialähteiden käyttö 0 0
Ei suoranaista vaikutusta.
Paikallisen elinkeinorakenteen kestävä kehittäminen 8 7
Kansainvälisen liiketoiminnan kehittymisen kautta saadaan uusia kasvuyrityksiä alueellemme. Kasvuyritykset käyttävät usein myös muita palveluyrityksiä, joten niillä on myös välillisiä vaikutuksia alueellemme.
Aineettomien tuotteiden ja palvelujen kehittäminen 3 5
Kansainvälistyminen edellyttää yritysten osalta oman tuote- ja palvelutarjonnan kehittämistä kansainvälisten markkinoiden edellyttämälle tasolle. Samat tuotteet ja palvelut ovat usein kilpailukykyisiä myös kotimarkkinoilla.
Liikkuminen ja logistiikka 0 0
Kansainvälistyminen edellyttää usein matkustamista kohdemarkkinoille tapaamaan asiakkaita ja yhteistyökumppaneita.
Hyvinvoinnin edistäminen 2 4
Kehittyvällä yritystoiminnalla ja työpaikoilla on merkittävä rooli vetovoimaisuuden ja elinvoimaisuuden veturina.
Tasa-arvon edistäminen 0 0
Ei suoranaista vaikutusta.
Yhteiskunnallinen ja kulttuurinen yhdenvertaisuus 2 3
Kansainvälistyminen edistää eri kulttuurien yhteensovittamista ja yritysten toimintakulttuuri muuttuu kansainväliseksi - yrityksessä voi toimia useita eri kansallisuuden omaavia henkilöitä.
Kulttuuriympäristö 0 0
Ei suoranaista vaikutusta.
Ympäristöosaaminen 0 0
Ei suoranaista vaikutusta.

9 Final report summary

The main goal of the "GoGlobal 2023 - Capability and Adaptability in International Business" project was to enhance the adaptability and international competence of the internationalizing companies and key personnel in North Karelia, aiming to secure a continuous cash flow from international business for an increasing number of companies in the future.

The main goal was specified by the following sub-goals:

Develop new internationalization services for businesses in Joensuu, enhancing their continuous adaptability and rapid responsiveness in business. These services include training modules such as refining sales messaging, digital marketing, selecting the right markets, options for market entry, building export channels, and choosing international partners. The training modules formed a coherent and comprehensive path for companies venturing into international markets. Services were tailored to be easily understandable and adaptable, considering the varying international competence needs of regional companies and key personnel. The aim was to develop at least 6 training modules, which was successfully achieved.

Enhance and improve companies’ and their key personnel's competence in international business, continuous adaptability, and rapid responsiveness in an unpredictable and uncertain business environment. With increased expertise, companies in the North Karelia region could expand internationally despite challenges. The goal was to get a total of 25 companies involved in the project. There were 26 companies.

Initiate a new community for export companies in North Karelia, collaborating with them to establish a "North Karelia Export Company" group. Operating on LinkedIn, this community facilitates information sharing, peer learning within the group, and exchange of experiences. The aim was to have 30-40 companies join the community, and by the project's end, there were already 60 companies involved.


The project implemented the following concrete actions:

Action 1: Designed, developed, and structured international training modules (related to goal 1). Content for training modules aimed to enhance companies’ adaptability and responsiveness in business. Preliminary themes for training modules included refining sales messaging, digital marketing, selecting the right markets, options for market entry, building export channels, and choosing international partners. Each module involved company-specific pre-tasks, group training, individual company training, on-the-job learning within the company, and coaching. Modules were continuously developed based on feedback from participating companies throughout the project. Additionally, a questionnaire to measure the international competence level of companies' key personnel was designed and documented. All training modules were documented by the end of the project.

Action 2: Provided training for key personnel of companies involved in international business through group and individual coaching sessions (related to goal 2). Implementation began with acquiring clients. Selected companies underwent a company-specific needs assessment to determine their current status and international business goals. After the assessment, a clarification of the international strategy and a tailored service proposal (based on the modules developed in Action 1) were provided. Before the training commenced, the initial level of international competence of key personnel was assessed through interviews. A similar interview was conducted at the project's end to measure the increase in the international competence level of the participating personnel. The competence level increased by 1-2 units on a scale of 1-5, which was considered a significant achievement. The goal was to make a needs assessment for 25 companies (final realization 30) and to clarify the internationalization strategy for 15 companies (final realization 17) and to get 12 of these companies in intensive training (final realization 5).

The plan was to execute the training with two groups of companies, but due to market uncertainties, only one group was formed. The content of training modules was adjusted based on feedback from the first group of participants. Digital solutions like Howspace and Microsoft 365, acquired by Business Joensuu, were flexibly utilized during the training. In addition to the modules, approximately 2-hour "group clinic days" were held once a month, allowing key personnel to discuss previous training topics or other aspects related to internationalization. These sessions were intended for companies within the training group.

Action 3: Launched the "North Karelia Export Company" (related to goal 3). This assembly aimed to facilitate joint learning and exchange of experiences among export companies in North Karelia. The initiative began on the LinkedIn digital platform. On LinkedIn, facilitated by Business Joensuu, companies could assist one another. The community's name, rules, an annual plan, and corresponding actions were planned and executed. Promotion was done through needs assessments and communication to regional companies and stakeholders. Approximately once a month, activities were launched on the LinkedIn platform. These activities included information sharing, surveys on needs, and market and financing insights. The community fostered peer learning and experience exchange, evolving based on gained experiences.

Action 4: Organized an internationalization event towards the project's end. The aim was to generate more interest among regional companies in internationalization and share success stories and insights from the GoGlobal2023 project. The theme of the event was "Go international and grow!" Speakers included Markku Kosonen, the owner of Mroom, and Jonas Grangvist from Business Finland in Sweden. The event was successful, sparking discussions, and allowing companies to inquire about various concerns during the event.

Action 5: An investigation of potential North Karelian companies for international business was done. The report surveyed the companies' reasons why they have not operated on intennational markets and have not shown interest in internationalization. The survey was carried out with a digital survey and interviews. A digital survey was sent to 149 companies, of which 39 answered the survey. Of these, 18 key personnel from various industries were interviewed in more detail. As a result of the survey, the three most important things at the start of the internationalization process were an understanding of the size or potential of the target market, the readiness of the product or service for the international market and financing.


Six new training modules were developed and archived for later use by Business Joensuu.
Impact of the training: The international competence level of key personnel in companies involved in intensive coaching increased by 1-2 units on a scale of 1–5 during the project. This was measured by interviewing key personnel at the beginning and end of the coaching sessions. As a long-term result, the number of export companies in the region will increase, and the export value of companies participating in the coaching will rise. One company is currently finalizing a resale agreement in Sweden. Two companies have already met their first customers, and one is conducting market research for the Swedish market.
The "North Karelia Export Company" has been developed and its activities initiated. During the project, other regional internationalization actors, such as the ELY Team Finland coordinator, shared internationalization-related links/webinar invitations through the channel. Using the LinkedIn channel, we organized an information session on Finnpartnership funding for the Ukrainian market, and thanks to the channel, we had more companies attending than usual.